Harvey Phillips

Dr. Phillips graduated from Indiana University with dual degrees in biology and political science. He studied language and international law in France prior to earning his Juris Doctor from the Indiana University School of Law. After he completed his medical degree at Indiana University, he began his career in medicine as a resident in radiology at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. His clinical training included a year as chief resident at the Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. He trained in gastroenterology at the Louisiana State University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Dr. Phillips completed his fellowship in 2005. He began his private practice of gastroenterology in North Carolina where he also worked for the Veteran’s Administration. He joined Borland Groover in 2007. Dr. Phillips practices at our Fernandina Beach office location.
Glueck, Phillips, Cameron, Wang, Estrogen Replacement in a Protein S Deficient Patient Leads to Diarrhea, Hyperglucagonemia and Osteonecrosis. Online: Journal of the Pancreas; 2(5): 323-329
Glueck, Awadella, Phillips, et. al., Metformin Therapy throughout Pregnancy Reduces the Development of Gestational Diabetes in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, In Press: Fertility and Sterility, 77:3, 520-525
Glueck, Phillips, Cameron, et. al., Continuing Metformin Throughout Pregnancy in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Appears to Safely Reduce First Trimester Spontaneous Abortion: A Pilot Study, In Press: Fertility and Sterility, 75:1, 46-52
Glueck, Awadalla, Phillips et. al., Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Infertility, Familial Thrombophilia, Familial Hypofibrinolysis, Recurrent Loss of In Vitro Fertilized Embryos and Miscarriage, In Press: Fertility and Sterility, 74:2, 394-397
Glueck, Phillips, Cameron, et. al. , The 4G4G Polymorphism of the PAI-1 Gene: An Independent Risk Factor for Serious Pregnancy Complications. Central Society for Clinical Research- Oral Presentation Chicago, IL, In Press: Metabolism July, 2000
Phillips, Cameron, Glueck, et.al., PAI-1 Gene 4G4G Polymorphism: Risk Factor for Pregnancy Complications. ACP-ASIM Associates Research Competition, Winning Research Abstract-Oral Presentation Philadelphia, PA