George Nassar
Dr. George Nassar, M.D. is board certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology. Dr. Nassar graduated from the Universite Libanaise, Beirut in 1997 and finished his residency at Staten Island University Hospital, New York and fellowship at SUNY Downstate Brooklyn, New York in 2006. He has been practicing medicine for over 17 years.
In addition to general gastroenterology, Dr. Nassar’s main clinical focus is on advanced and interventional endoscopy, including diagnosing and treating pancreaticobiliary diseases and gastrointestinal malignancies.
Besides colonoscopies and upper endoscopies, Dr. Nassar performs the following procedures:
- Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) with fine needle aspiration (FNA) and fine needle biopsy (FNB)
- ERCP (with stones extraction, placement of biliary and pancreatic stents)
- Drainage of pancreatic fluid collections/pseudocysts
- Endoscopic pancreatic necrosectomy/debridement of pancreas necrosis
- Endoscopic banding of hemorrhoids
- Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR)
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) involving endoscopic removal of large polyps and early gastrointestinal tumors.
*Esophagitis dissecans superficialis associated with celiac disease. Journal: GIE journal.
George Hage-Nassar, MD, Heidrun Rotterdam, MD, Dale Frank, MD, Peter H.R. Green, MD
Department of Surgical Pathology and Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York
* Serum Albumin Predicts Renal Dysfunction in Chronic Liver Disease: Journal: Current trends in Gastroenterolgoy and hepatology.
George Hage-Nassar1, Ahmed Shady1*, Monnie McGee2 and Nora V Bergasa
1 New York Medical college, USA 2 Southern University, Dallas,Texas, USA
* Primary Submucosal Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Rectum Diagnosed by Endoscopic Ultrasound: Case Report and Literature Review
George Hage-Nassar, M. Najeeb Al Hallak, and Anas Mouchli