B. Marie Reid

Dr. Reid joined Borland Groover after completing her medical education and fellowship training at both University of South Florida College of Medicine in Tampa, Florida and the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Reid also served as an attending physician while in Virginia at McGuire VA Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. In 2008, she joined the group, beginning her gastroenterology practice.
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Reid BM, Luketic V. Is Ursodial an effective treatment of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis? Curbside Consultation in Liver Diseases, accepted for publication.
Reid BM, Sanyal AJ. Which patients with Fatty Liver Disease on an ultrasoundexamination require a liver biopsy? Curbside Consultation in Liver Diseases, accepted for publication.
Reid BM, Sanyal AJ. Evaluation and management of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004 Nov;16(11):1117-22.
Reid BM, Sinnott JT. Tampa Must Prepare for Worst-Case Scenario, Editorial Tampa Tribune, Sept 16, 2001.
Shytle DR, Reid B. Marie, Silver AA. Nicotine in Psychiatry: Psychopathology and Emerging Therapeutics. Smoking, Nicotine, and Movement Disorders, American Psychiatric Press;2000, (8) 715-724.